A quick way to the most recent change, t.i. the final list item, is to type the "End" button on the buttonboard. The modification date before this paragraph is also a convenient link to the very end of this document.
Added "past", "present", "future", and "time". Revised a little more.
Added the new term "indoors" to the doc "General terminology".
Added a "Quick topic list" prior to the "Topic list with descriptions". Was unsatisfied with having to choose shorter descriptions for the initial jump. Still unsatisfied, but do like having an immediate short list (for finding the number of the section) when reading the document without an HTM docviewer.
New document added to the section "1. Writing with the computer medium" [sharing.htm#1] in the "Sharing" document.
New document (this doc) added to the section "5. Docserver information" [sharing.htm#5] in the "Sharing" document.
Added the "Common Lisp HyperSpec", and a link to its source.
Intent: Make the default docserver doc "Sharing from L8L.info" a better example of accessibility, and of opportunity for personalized styles (t.i. by whomever is reading the document).
[Apr 24-25] Unlinked the main stylesheet Note stylesheet, 2023-09-29 [20230929-note.css.htm] from the document "Sharing from L8L.info". Starting with a fresh approach that more readily respects the personal stylesheet of whomever is reading that doc.
[Apr 26-27] Relying upon the CSS selector has()
. There is no doc style applied when without support for has()
, otherwise the doc style is applied (because it seems to me more legible than without) yet optional. This ensures no interference from the doc styles with the personal stylesheet of the person reading it, unless desired by that person.
[Apr 28] Revised the HTM comments, especially the explanation of the hidden style at the end of the doc.
Changed the id attribute of the html
This is a new approach for the id name, intended to be also the recommended name when saving a document. No way to reveal it from there, so also changing the text marked with title
which was a duplicate of the title in the doc.
Now the text marked with title
is the same as the name recommended when saved, which some HTM docviewers automatically offer when saving.
Intending to gradually update other docs, but only the most recently created since the new "sharing.htm" doc, and since abandoning a common docserver stylesheet. Of course, this info should go into the new "Help" document, too, whenever that gets created.
New document with a short list of projects I have been and am intending to pursue again, someday. Added it as the fourth item of section "3. Personal" [sharing.htm#3] to the doc "Sharing from L8L.info".
Revised the style and its documentation. Additional minor edits, as well as revealing the document name (within square brackets [ ]) for every link.
Revamped the option for applying the doc style. No longer moves around when toggling the option. More space between options for discrete touching on smudge-screen interfaces, f.e. a PDA (personal digital assistant).
The doc style is now off by default, because that prevents interference with personal stylesheets of anyone else. And because I finally made it easy enough to apply it myself. [I prefer the buttonboard rather than the remote control or touch, but the latter work, too.]
In HTM docviewers, The "TAB" button moves the focus. When that is the first action with the doc, the focus starts from the top of the doc, in this case with the checkbox for applying the style. Typing the space button (barbutton) toggles a checkbox. The four arrow buttons switch the radio buttons when one button has the focus.
In general, the width options ought to help out with the HTM docviewers with no obvious option for personalizing with a stylesheet, such lack of option (AFAIK) being common on PDAs. No PDA available for testing, but HTM docviewers are usually responsive to such changes.
Added a topic list. Rearranged the list, but still in no particular order.
Added link to Remap the buttonboard [remap-docviewer.htm] in the recent document listing current ideas for passing the time.
Added explanation of the additional symbols and the combining diacritical marks, and the means for switching layouts.
Added a diagram of the potential layout for typing.
Added link to the Unicode chart "Combining diacritical marks" [unicode.org] with more diacriticals. Still would like to add more examples so as to prevent the need to scour through that chart/table.
Additional info.
Revised and added info to the description for the "My participation" doc in "Sharing from L8L.info". Lots of links added leading to the other docs instead of repeating what is in them. Also, my sleeping location has changed slightly; hardly much sleep last night.
While that description does remain shorter than the "My participation" doc it (supposedly) describes, the description might oughta be its own doc at this point. Not to mention, the doc itself still needs revising, or maybe set aside as material for additional docs.
Added a new section with a list of docs for reference. Split the test script into two parts, focused on one task each.
Added a link leading to the CSS documentation at "w3.org" to the doc "Remap the buttonboard".
Revealed notes (which still need revising) from an HTM comment for the script. Some style adjustments for the onkeydown attribute; still unsatisfied.
Revision of description for the "My participation" doc in "Sharing from L8L.info". The paragraph beginning:
There seems to be no such thing as a "need"...
Added a new section to the doc "Pursuit". Includes links to additional docs that might have yet to be shared in the main listing "Sharing from L8L.info" [sharing.htm].
Sharing a very old doc by listing it in section "4. Perspective" [sharing.htm#4] of "Sharing from L8L.info". Made minor typographical edits.
Still relevant, except the part about time [words--general.htm] which I recently resolved (and finally recorded it 2024 Apr 15 according to this change log).
Added new term "choice" to the doc "General terminology".
Clarified the new term "choice" in "General terminology" by rephrasing in order to remove pronouns (f.e. "it"). Also added another example to the description.
Rearranged list items. Split into sections. Revised some items, added more.
Added the new term "emotion" to the doc "General terminology".
Added new culture term "living room" to the doc "Terminology about culture".
Updated the term "homeless" in the doc "Terminology about culture".
Amended "living room" with more examples.
Revised initial statement of the term "homeless" in the doc "Terminology about culture".
Added chart of button labels paired with their button names.
Revised the description for "participation.htm" in the doc "Sharing from L8L.info". Particularly, the paragraph beginning with:
There seems to be no such thing as a "need" without...
Sharing very old doc. Adding it to the listing "Sharing from L8L.info" [sharing.htm#2].
Added a new section to the doc "Pursuit". Ideas that I still consider inspirational for me, but its unlikely I can ever follow through with them.
Merged a couple more sections of terms from 'begin-split.htm' into the doc "Terminology about culture".
Copied some text (and revised) from the doc "participation.htm", for amending the term "ownership".
Added the new term "rent" from the doc "participation.htm".
Beginning the replacement for the docserver help. It will also be the stylesheet for the "Apply doc style" option for other docs. Has link to the former docserver help doc [help.htm] for now.
Added the "Apply doc style" option to this change log doc [change-log.htm]. Revised all entries by starting each with a link to the changed doc, followed by its description.
Rearranged list. Added missing words to word list at beginning of doc. Some editing of terms.
More spacing between items in the "Quick topic list".
Revised descriptions is section "3. Personal". Corrected date of being outdoors recently (actually 2022, not 2024) in the description for the doc "My participation". Added links to prior work descriptions (in "helped.htm") and their results in the description for the doc "Personally helped".
Updated a few other descriptions, such as for the new docserver help document in section 5.
Added the new term "relationship tree" from the doc "participation.htm".
Added the new term "relationship poverty" from the doc "participation.htm".
Added the new term "social capital" from the doc "participation.htm".
Amended the term "ownership" with a quote describing "infrastructural citizenship" (How infrastructure works (2023) by Deb Chachra) from the doc "participation.htm".
Revised the term "homeless" by rearranging and rephrasing its paragraphs and quotes from other resources.
Amended, mostly by copying from "help.htm". Copied material still needs lots of revision.
Amended the term "indoors" with: "Sanctuary for convalescence.".
Renamed the change log from "change-log.htm" to "different.htm", because the name sounds too much like it has something to do with computer coding. Added redirect to the docserver so the old name will lead to the new name.
Added a quote to the term "religion" in the doc "Terminology about culture".
Quote is from "The Peacemaker and origins of democracy" (2003) by Oren Lyons. That is in the book Our way—a parallel history: an anthology of native history, reflection, and story (2023), edited by Julie Cajune.
Added a few quotes to the term "plarp" in the doc "Terminology about culture". Also prepended that term with an (obvious) explanation of the emergence of itself, as well as (perhaps unnecessarily) asserting the quoted sources simply reminded me of this term.
The subtopic "plarpification of culture" also has a quote added to it.
Added more to the description for section "3. Personal" (just in the topic list at the beginning of the doc) about the meaning of "l8l" for me that I held back because it seemed personal. But it is the personal section, so I finally added it. Paragraph beginning with "For me, I think of l8l as representing...".
Added a little more to the term "plarp", which was updated yesterday, too.
Amended the doc for this unlikely pursuit (also listed in "pursuit.htm"). Found some more notes for this old idea of introducing computers (and their security) in everyday-speak. (No way I can ever follow through on this old pursuit, though.)
[Jun 19] Added more to the section "1. Intent". Added a topic list for the doc.
Clarified my appreciation of the approaches of a couple of computer games. Added a quote from page 28 of Permanent record (2019) by Edward Snowden.
Added more to the descriptions for each unlikely pursuit.
Updated all internal links, t.i. the links beginning with "#". Hopefully they still work.
Added quote from How to do nothing: resisting the attention economy (2019) by Jenny Odell to the description for "My participation" (near its end) in section "3. Personal". Would like to record more quotes from the book someday, as it resonates with a variety of my mindsets I have on occasion. (Seeming like I might as well remove the doc "participation.htm" and just keep its description.)
Other minor edits.
Added clarification of purpose in the section "1. intent", as an attempt as a cultural influence rather than making a product.
Copied paragraph about S.C.U.C.H. being "an attempt at a cultural influence" from the doc ("s.c.u.c.h.htm#1") for it.
Renamed the doc for "My participation" to "participation-2024May31.htm", and used the description for it from "sharing.htm#3" as the new content for "participation.htm". Included link to the doc with former content. Other minor edits.
New description for the new content of the doc "My participation [participation.htm]". Provides a link to renamed doc with former content, t.i. "participation-2024May31.htm".
Rewrote description for the doc "Pursuit [pursuit.htm]", including adding a link to its section "2. Unlikely pursuits [pursuit.htm#2]".
Added a couple of paragraphs to the introduction (after the topic list) based on what was added to the description of the doc "Pursuit [pursuit.htm]" in the doc "Sharing from L8L.info [sharing.htm#3]".
Also included a variation of those couple of paragraphs in section "5. Unlikely pursuits" for the description of the doc for "S.C.U.C.H".
Other minor edits.
Added the term "city" to the doc "Terminology about culture". I have already mentioned supply lines in other writings, but the recent (last couple of days) frontpage newspaper articles about "supply chain" failures reminded me I had yet to add "city" to the list.
Included a link to "ownership" as a reference to the stewardship inherent to a city.
Added quote from "Conclusion: Manifest dismantling" in the book How to do nothing: resisting the attention economy (2019) by Jenny Odell to middle of the introduction of the doc. Also added a new paragraph before the added quote, beginning with "Perhaps obviously...".
[Jun 28] Other minor edits.
Added a quote from "Part III: The audacity of desert living—central Arizona" in the book Over the seawall: tsunamis, cyclones, drought, and the delusion of controlling nature (2023) by Stephen Robert Miller.
Linked the word "city" [words--culture.htm#] to its newly added entry in the doc "Terminology about culture" [words--culture.htm].
[Jun 28] Other minor edits.
Added to the entry for "city" a quote of the epigraph from Place names of Hawaii (2nd edition: 1974) by Mary Kawena Pukui, Samuel H. Elbert, Esther T. Hookini.
The qutoe begins with "Ua hala nā kūpuna..." ("The ancestors have passed on...").
Added another unlikely pursuit (relearn Spanish), just to get it off my mind.
Added the term "possession" to the doc "Terminology about culture" [words--culture.htm].
Also amended "ownership" for clarification from the description for "possession".
Revised the initial three paragraphs, and added the terms "possession" and "social capital" along with links to their descriptions in the doc "Terminology about culture" [words--culture.htm].
Also updated the description for this doc in the section "3. Personal" of the doc "Sharing from L8L.info" [sharing.htm#3].
[Jun 30] Lots of amending. Also updated its description again.
Added a short list vowels and consonants with diacriticals (t.i. accents) to the description for the doc "typing.htm". (Hmm, makes me wonder my the doc "typing.htm" is so long.)
Minor change near end of doc to paragraph beginning with "Until then, my patience...". Clarified my general attitude by emphasizing my understanding of emotion and memories.
Sectioned this document into months for the year, and added a list of links to each section.
Added new term to "Terminology about culture" [words--culture.htm].
Added new term to "Terminology about culture" [words--culture.htm].
Revised the first few paragraphs by clarifing the term more with reference to stewardship (of any passersby), and relationships (of everyone) with owners.
Also called out the editors of the journalism medium for irresponsible publishing, but I wish I could have stated it more politely. [But I am not (and will never be) a politician, who are are very well practiced with politeness as that is necessary for working out the dilemmas of government.]
And elaborated (hopefully more obviously) how only streets and pathways (t.i. the boundary lines) around property are the only permissible places for passersby, and then only temporarily. That is how it has been for the whole planet for many centuries now, perhaps milleniums.
Pointed out the importance of peer review, f.e. it is a core principle of science. Without that, no machine learning or artificial intelligence can know it is correct, or when what is "correct" becomes wrong. Other clarifications, too.
Also left a couple of notes for sources of quotes, whenever I find time again.
Added new term to the doc "Terminology about culture", but ran out of time for elaboration.
Added new terms to the doc "Terminology about culture". Clarifies story as "stored knowledge" or "true", myth as "less verifiable" than a story, and fiction as "hypothetical" or purposely false.
Grouped docs for Emacs as the subtopic "Read and write" of the topic "The computer as a tool" [sharing.htm#2]. Modified CSS styles for hiding descriptions of subtopics, too.
New document by separating the old content for "Ed with Emacs, an approach" from the old doc "begin.htm" (and almost done with creating new docs from it).
Added it to the subtopic "Read and write" [sharing.htm#edit] of the listing "The computer as a tool" of the main doc "Sharing from L8L.info" [sharing.htm].
New document summarizing my pursuit (t.i. point of waiting around to die naturally; haha) and my intent of this docserver. It is the new default doc for the "L8L.info" docserver.
Slightly revised the doc "Sharing from L8L.info" [sharing.htm] as it is no longer the default doc from this docserver.
Added another pursuit to the doc "Pursuit" [pursuit.htm], which is initially just that of writing more about it. Also changed all the locations of each section in that doc, and hopefully all the links to any section within it from other docs.
Updated the intro doc for this docserver "L8L.info", about dreams being better than reality.
As such, bye bye.
And if I happen to be too lost in my head dreaming to notice you at all as I pass by you, perhaps imagine I have said one of the following (for I sincerely do whenever my throat happens to have a voice to it):
[Docserver end date: 2026 Autumn]
Was finally able to obtain copies of the newsletters and reports I designed and edited for the Catholic Women's Guild Hawaiʻi. Added links to them in the relevant sections.
A flyer for the public meeting "Preserving Local Historical Sources" (2012 March 03) at Palama Settlement. A new membership form for the CWGH.
A newsletter, a couple of annual reports, a brochure, and a variation of the CWGH membership form.
[Oct 14] Revised the descriptions after some more thought, as best as I can recollect after a decade from then.
Finally got that off my mind. Had been unable to access the files, and was uncertain what I had saved. Now I can let all of that rest in peace.