Sharing from
Changed: 2024 May 12

Documents shared from this docserver. Consider them all as perpetual rough drafts. As such, save a copy of any doc with info that matters to you, just in case it changes later, or is replaced, or becomes unavailable.
[ Docserver end date: 2026 Autumn ]

Quick topic list

  1. Writing with the computer medium: Typing plainly.
  2. The computer as a tool: Personalizing the computer for comfort and use.
  3. Personal: Where I am and conversational topics.
  4. Perception: Mindset and memory management.
  5. Docserver information: The change log, help, a guideline, and stylesheets.

Topic list with descriptions

1. Writing with the computer medium

Encouragement to keep plain text as plain text, even when formatting it. (HTM and CSS)

A computer will draw a letter at the press of the button for that letter. Just add spaces between words and blank lines between paragraphs, nothing more is needed. The result is a plain text doc compatible with the past, present, and future computer devices.

The intent of Hypertext Markup (HTML) is two-fold: mark regions of text (markup), and reference other content (links). HTML is simply enclosure marks (much like parentheses) written as names instead of singular symbols. It is like adding proofreader marks, just as minimal but HTM marks are more legible.

Docs marked with HTML remains readable as plain text. The alternate view implied by the HTML marks is supplementary for displaying the text.

An HTML docviewer (computer program) provides an alternate view by leaving out the marks and making adjustments to spacing (f.e. line height or indentation) and text (f.e. drawn thicker or underlined). The computer programmers of each of those HTML doc viewers had to decide the default characteristics for the spacing and drawing of the text. As such, each of those doc viewers might display the same HTML doc differently, though usually only slightly different.

The intent of Cascading Stylesheets (CSS) is for changing those default characteristics of the HTML marks (t.i. spacing and drawing) that have been decided by the computer programmers for each of the HTML doc viewers.

CSS has nothing do with the document content. CSS is only a convenient means for changing the default preferences of the computer program (t.i. doc viewer) without having to rewrite the computer program itself.

2. The computer as a tool

Personalizing the computer for comfort and use.

As the tool a computer is intended to be, the computer utterly fails when it is unable to repeat what a human already did (t.i. a sequence of actions) with the computer itself. Instructions for the computer is just a recipe, and should be completely changible [ Yes, I do that. I change "eable" to "ible" (and at some other times, too) to match the sound. Yes, I am allowed to do that, and so are you; that is how a language works (otherwise that language is dead). ] by the person using the computer program.

I have personalized various custom keyboard layouts (remapping) for my use with the X Window System, and written why within the docs themselves. Notes about ASCII, PDF, and general binary formats. Notes about computer instruction interpreters (f.e. Lisp or shell) and their commands. Approaches for editing text with Ed and Emacs.

Perhaps first and foremost on my mind with computers is my personal comfort is using them, t.i. having information readily accessible from the computer medium, rather than merely available. For example, plain text docs, perhaps marked up with HTM, therefore no additional software needed beyond what comes with the computer. Plain text is likely the most friendly for computer programs to understand, too.

Obviously, computer programs are "disabled" by the typical menus, pointer cursor, and overlapping views of the typical interface from the computer itself. Making the human-computer-interface (HCI) more accessible to people might also help make the interface more accessible for computer programs, too.

So far as of the year 2022:

For example, consider a multi-floor building with stairs leading to each floor. Thinking of only the "stair impaired" people might inspire the installation of ramps to each floor. On the other hand, re-thinking the purpose might inspire the idea of an elevator, or having only a single floor, or eliminating the "need" of a building (or maze of walls) at all.

For HCI, it is pretty obvious the operating systems of computers (and likely their hardware) in their current forms must be abandoned in order to live beyond computers as they are currently known. Personalizable implies do-it-yourself (DIY) instead of done-for-you (DFY). DIY is the means beyond a set of options or commands decided by someone else (DFY) for no one in particular.

It is especially about time for considering the importance of the temporary moments of disability experienced by the TAB (f.e. no-sight phone call, or temporarily single-handed), as that aids in addressing similar permanent disabilities.

In other words, there must be some new curiosity, some interests beyond the stories sold by the "computerized appliance" market, f.e. an all-in-one computer or a PDA (including misnomered "smartphones").

3. Personal

Where I am, who I have helped, my pursuits, and my interests.

This docserver "" and my email adresses are the only Internet services I use. I never make use of other Internet services that require my contact information, as I have no interest in being nagged by computer programs and advertisements.

No name can be unique, but hopefully that clarifies that for me the "" (or "") computer address for this docserver is unrelated to anything or anyone else (especially on the Internet). For me, I think of "l8l" as representing "infinite scroll" or "an inifinity scroll", the (magical) opportunity a computer display provides for documents.

After a half-century of life, I am currently outdoors in the city (once again) until I meet new people, I guess. Hopefully someday I will be allowed indoors again, and maybe personalize my own international telegramming device (t.i. computer) again.

4. Perception

Perceiving is shaped by the mindset at the moment and by memory management.

5. Docserver information

Documents about the documents on this docserver.

#1 Writing with the computer medium

Encouragement to keep plain text as plain text, even when formatting it. (HTM and CSS)

Plainly typing with markup [plain-htm.htm]

A very quick introduction (especially section 5 [plain-htm.htm#5]) to marking a plain text document with HTM (hypertext markup).

HTM is just marks, like proofreader marks, and is not instructions for the computer. That is, there is no need for computer programming knowledge.

Most of the time, the only mark used will likely be for a paragraph, which is just <p>. Other commonly useful marks are for headings or lists. A plain text doc remains as plain text even when it has HTM marks.

An excerpt from section 2 [plain-htm.htm#2]:

Sometimes the ending of a region is obvious by a mark beginning a new region after it, f.e. a paragraph after a paragraph, thereby the ending mark is conveniently optional.

<p>A paragraph of text that is followed by another paragraph.
<p>The previous paragraph obviously ends when this paragraph begins, but this one has an ending mark.</p>

"HTML just happens" [html.html]

The prior notes I wrote as an introduction for HTM, with different details.

Type the letter ʻokina and letters with accents [typing.htm]

Quick reference of named or numbered letters in HTM, for when the letter ʻokina and letters with accents are unavailable when typing on a computer.

For example, select and copy the first character of the name ʻokina (which is &#699; in HTM), as that is the ʻokina itself. Then insert the copy (t.i. "paste" it) into the text in any other computer program.

It is pretty quick to open the "Notepad" computer program on an MS Windows OS computer, and then type the letter name (f.e. &eacute; ) into a new blank document. Then, save the doc with the suffix ".htm" on its name, such as maybe "special-letters.htm".

Open that doc with a web browser (or similar computer program) and it will show the named letters converted into single letters, f.e. &omacr; becomes ō, and &atilde; becomes ã. (The kahakō is equivalent to the macron, hence the "macr" in the letter names.)

Simply select (t.i. highlight) the converted letter and copy it, then switch to the computer program with the doc that needs it, and paste it where the text cursor is located in that doc.

A stylesheet for stylesheets [stylesheet.css.htm]

A CSS stylesheet for a stylesheet with its documentation (t.i. comments) marked with HTM. [ Made the statements too concise. Would like to rephrase the explanations someday. ]

The "style" of Cascading Style Sheet refers to expression rather than decoration, because CSS is for changing the default spacing and drawing of HTM marked regions of plain text docs. Therefore, CSS actually describes the characteristics of HTM marks rather than the doc.

The intent of the CSS stylesheet should be documented with comments embraced by /* and */. The text within a commented region can be marked up with HTM, and then the documentation for a stylesheet can have an alternate view in an HTML doc viewer.

A well-documented stylesheet inevitably links to itself for styling HTM marked examples of its CSS rules within its own documentation. Therefore, a "stylesheet stylesheet" such as this one is "the mother of all stylesheets", as it precedes and begets all thereafter.

Recipe, formula, or program [recipe.htm]

A recipe (kitchen) and a mathematical formula (academic) and a computer program (office) are all the same thing: a set of instructions. The only significant difference is the notation.

#2 The computer as a tool

Personalizing the computer for comfort and use.

Dual-system approach with computers [dual-system.htm]

Repeatability of tedius tasks, and discrete instability by means of external memory.

General examples for applying to whatever hardware or software is available.

StumpWM for personalized computing [stumpwm.htm]

Notes about the view management capabilities of StumpWM, a Lisp (t.i. LIS-t P-rocessing) interpreter for basic instructions and recipes for the computer.

StumpWM provides various prompts for typing computer instructions, or the name of a StumpWM command, or for help.

StumpWM is an SBCL [] Lisp interpreter with view management capibilities (t.i. a window manager) for the X Window System, providing an interactive extensible computer interface. The X Window System is often used with a UNIX-like operating system, such as GNU/Linux.

Notes about using specific software (StumpWM [] + X11 (release 7.7) [] + TinyCore Linux []) and one of the possible hardware options for it (Raspberry Pi 4B (4GB mem) []), with intent of implementing my main (or former? maybe again?) pursuit towards the computer as a personalizable tool, especially by the everyday person.
[ Likely an earlier version of the Raspberry Pi would be enough, perhaps the Pi 3 or even Pi 2. Have yet to have the means to test. Also, less than 4GB of memory would probably be fine, too, especially if only used as a remote control for using other computers (f.e. with VNC), but have yet to test that firsthand either. However, I am rather interested in considering microcontrollers, which are even less hardware than that, as I want to minimize excess use of resources, f.e. no need for a triple-trailer semi-truck just to go grocery shopping for a loaf of bread and a bottle of milk.  ]

See "Dual-system computing: 4. A personalizable computer" [dual-system.htm#4] for a general idea (t.i. non-specific hardware and non-specific software).

Pursuing having the computer repeat the keystrokes, pointer movements, and any other button presses for any workflow involving any computer program system-wide. Though incomplete, it could help with getting started (again).

Various opportunities would arise from having such a button-sequence recording ability, and without need for computer programming knowledge nor so-called "artificial intelligence" [words-culture.htm]. For example, the keyboard macros available in Emacs [] (a LISP interpreter) provides this ability, which also includes text editing, email, access to Internet documents, UNIX shell interpreters, and other activities possible within Emacs. [ The abilities of Emacs are modular, so more can be added and any can be removed. ]

For example, a recorded sequence would be likely a short length of text (f.e. button names like "a" or "Control-c") that can actually perform the work [ Or, to play a difficult part of a game for someone, perhaps requiring fingers that person has lost, or that has been permanently injured. ] rather than recording a video requiring lots of computer memory and telegramming bandwidth. Or, accomplish a task so tediously repetitive that it might never have been attempted without such automation.

New opportunities are like having elevators instead of having only stairs, f.e. the package delivery services with carts that would be encumbered by stairs if there were no elevator. Think of how anyone uses an elevator instead of stairs regardless of personal physical ability, and without feeling stigmatized for not using the stairs. Convenience and with no shame, and everybody benefits without needing specialized engineering knowledge or personal ability.

Lisp, pseudo-common [lisp.htm]

Lisp is list processing (t.i. "LIS-t P-rocessing"), a means for instructing a computer for handling lists, f.e. a list of instructions.

Lisp itself is programmable, meaning its notation can be customized. In other words, Lisp is a "programmable programming language", and is partly why Lisp is said to have no syntax, unlike other computer languages.

Lisp is experienced in a interpreter program rather than with a compiler program. As such, Lisp itself can be programmed before, during, and after a computer program is written with Lisp.

Familiar ways of the marketed computer [computer-marketed.htm]

As the computer is currently known to the everyday person, as a mere appliance instead of an ingredient.

Core computer medium [computer-medium.htm]

A computer does what a person desires at the mere press of a button, but for most people that is only science fiction.

As aforementioned, the computer utterly fails when it is unable to repeat what a human already did (t.i. a sequence of actions) with the computer itself.

Excerpt from the document:

There are simply two sets of instructions for a computer:

  • Write to and read from "temporary memory".
    Like scribbling on scratch paper. It disappears when the computer is turned off (no electricity).

  • Write to and read from "permanent memory".
    Usually an external storage device.

All interactions with a computer comprise those two purposes: "now" and "later". The memory might be for the screen displaying drawings of text. It might be on another computer.

Simple portable Raspberry Pi [rpi-portable.htm]

Use a powerbank (rechargable battery) to power both a Raspberry Pi and any USB-powered computer display.

Or, two Raspberry Pi modules and a single computer display with two display ports. Some powerbanks can power all three at once. Of course, use separate powerbanks for discrete power usage [dual-system.htm#3].

Note that the display can be detached from the Raspberry Pi and powerbank, and the keyboard and memory detached from the Raspberry Pi, all while the Raspberry Pi remains attached to the powerbank. No need to turn off the Raspberry Pi (which typically has no off button anyway). While that is one way of not having to restart the Raspbery Pi, it would be best to save all work and detach the external memory, too.

Compact buttonboard layout for Apple model A1243

Includes the ʻokina, kahakō composition, and various accent compositions.
(xmodmap, Xserver, StumpWM)

Compact buttonboard layout for Raspberry Pi model RPI-KYB

Includes the ʻokina, kahakō composition, and various accent compositions.
(xmodmap, Xserver, StumpWM)

Scroll instead of clear screen [scroll.htm]

Establish the bottom as the consistent location for the command line by drawing enough blank lines (f.e. with echo) to fill the screen from top to bottom instead of using the clear command.

Editing commands [commands.html]

Commands for file transfer, find, and grep.

SSH key generation and use [ssh.html]

Permissions, passphrase options and use, and generating an ssh key.

Notes about emacs [emacs.html]

Some essentials, and some rather elaborate details. (Probably. Need to read again someday, determine relevancy.)

Installing emacs [emacs-install.html]

Very old info about installing emacs. (Need to read again someday, determine relevancy.)

Enabling email in emacs [emacs-email.html]

IIRC, this explains the details for enabling the basic email interface rmail.

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) [ascii.htm]

The bits about the dots and dashes for ASCII (rather than Morse code) for storing info in computer memory, and for telegramming with computers across the international telegramming network (a.k.a. the Internet).

The basics of PDF 1.4 [pdf.html]

A brief summary from personal notes for adding hyperlinks within a PDF doc, and combining images into a single PDF doc.

Even thought Portable Document Format (PDF) is plain text, PDF is for describing how to layout text and images rather than for editing text. That is, for drawing.

The recommendation for PDF is to use the version that has the features needed for making the desired doc, instead of simply using the latest version. That usually means the earliest version possible, which is commonly "PDF 1.3", though "PDF 1.4" has some nice conveniences.

Approaches for documenting binary files [documenting-binaries.html]

Ideas for inserting documentation within a binary file, and for external documentation for a binary file.

#3 Personal

Where I am, who I have helped, my pursuits, and my interests.

My participation [participation.htm]

I pretty much never start a conversation myself, perhaps only ever wishing "good morning" or "good afternoon" or "good evening" as I pass by someone.

I have never been much of a conversationalist. The info at this docserver can help give ideas about what to talk about with me, or people can try out a different topic already knowing (or suspecting) that I know nothing of their personal interest beforehand. People can also decide to skip starting a conversation with me based on what is written here.

This document "participation.htm" is very long, and a very rough draft. In short: I am no longer needed by anyone, so I have no place to sleep securely nor to store anything securely (since 2022 Jan 09). Another way of putting it: everything I carry is all I have, plus this docserver "" of information. The following is more brief than the document.

I am outdoors (since 2024 January 09) and having been sleeping near the intersection at Waiʻalae Ave and 21st Ave, other side of guardrail by the tall metal box.

So, I finally feel less scared of everybody else despite having no place to be anymore, and am trying to let people know I am no one scary either (even after the worldwide germ scare we all went through).

Yes, I am that person walking around with "" clipped to the front and back of myself. It has gotten to the point that I know no one (best references have died the last few years) and I am out of ideas of how to get to know people. Everybody drives around in a box (and it is difficult to see inside it), and I have been behind the computer most of my life.

I have about a half-century of life behind me, and I am entering my second half-century. Perhaps an old leftover technologist, along the lines of a computer wizard (research and development) rather than a computer genie (maintenance of problems). Prefer to eliminate problems, even if that means an approach eliminating the computer as a tool for a task.

I seem to have lost all my stories about our culture, so I have no interest in products or services, no interest in ever being an entrepreneur. There seems to be no such thing as a "need" without a story to sell it. I keep thinking of how no one needs me anymore, and I end up wondering for what do I need anything at all.

What does anyone need? We all are just waiting, all eight billion people just passing the time until our individual final moments, passing by with acceptance and patience.

For now, I am part of the untapped abundance of human resources, water in the pipes. Patient water. Mostly still within time [words-general.htm] flowing around me, between memory (past) and fantasy (future), and accepting of all the busy-ness of everyone as mere imitation of the busy-ness of our past.

It seems to me there is nothing wrong with all the busy-ness that is being done by us all, as there is no right way anyway. And maybe someday I will get lost within the busy-ness once again, passing the time to my final moment in that way once again. Until then, my patience and acceptance has felt like enough for me, and everyone seems to be doing fine without me participating.

Personally helped [helped.htm]

People and organizations who I have helped most recently (2008-2021) with the computer medium. A sort of portfolio.

I was able to help them even though I knew nothing about art, nor about being a Catholic, nor about being a woman. And, I still know nothing about any of that. Nonetheless, we had overlapping interests, t.i. my craft with the computer medium.

For the Jean Charlot Foundation, I scanned thousands of pages of docs and books, and scanned hundreds of photographs (f.e. slides) and archived artwork. The docserver had maybe a few hundred docs and images, and I added thousands more without needing a database or a COTS (commercial off the shelf) CMS (content management system). Using no COTS software kept it as secure as the docserver itself (t.i. no additional security concerns), and made it future compatible with any filesystem, docserver, OS, and text editor programs. I focused on accessible (t.i. beyond merely available) for both humans and computer programs, and on ease of maintenance or transitioning with the tasks lists, guidelines, and help I wrote and continuously updated. I am also credited with formatting, posting, and printing the 200+ page book "Writings by Jean Charlot: a bibilography" by Janine M. Richardson.

For the Catholic Women's Guild Hawaii, I scanned hundreds of archive documents and created PDF dcouments from them (f.e. per folder from the boxes). I later transcribed the bylaws for revising and reprinting, edited a few newsletters (folded 17 by 11 inches) for amiling to the members, and formatted and printed the annual report (including financial tables) for the Board members.

My craft in the computer medium [craft.htm]

I tend to favor practicing "computer wizardry" (a term from the 1900's), especially exploring my curiosity along the lines of personalizing interfaces of the computer medium.

Pursuit [pursuit.htm]

Quick notes for now...sort of a to do no prioritized order.

Reading [reading.htm]

Some notes from reading some documentation. Maybe this will help me keep up with whatever my curiosities happen to be about these topics.

#4 Perception

Perceiving is shaped by the mindset at the moment and by memory management.

Mindset [mindset.htm]

In essence, the "you" is also "me", so no point anybody other than me (and only "now me", not "later me") taking anything personally that I wrote.

Besides, this is the computer medium, so just save-and-edit any doc [ Nope. Absolutely no copyright on anything authored by me. I give full credit to all the influences from every single thing in the Universe. ] with new phrasing for yourself, as that is what I do, too.

Memory management with EFT [human-memory.htm]

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) uses the common memory techniques for addressing memories, especially with emotion (t.i. energy for action) to do something about the memory.

Perspective [perspective.htm]

Just some reminders for myself, various perspectives.

General terminology [words-general.htm]

Words and phrases I tend to be careful about using, as for whatever reason other people have a different understanding, t.i. mean something different.

List of words described:
excuse ; reason ; procrastinate ; reprioritize ; someday ; amazing ; fustration ; exasperation ; Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) ; time ; past ; present ; future ; difficult ; easy ; fun, funny ; incredible ; mystical, weird ; indoors ; stupid ; ignorant ; WTF ; medium ; yin-yang
Terminology about culture [words-culture.htm]

Words and phrases about our culture, as I have observed it and reflected upon it.

List of words described:
house ; apartment building ; automobile ; coffin ; homeless, boxless, toiletless ; stray (human, person) ; ownership ; selfish ; selfishness ; ego ; news ; journalism ; live action roleplay (LARP) ; personality LARP (PLARP) ; plarpification of culture ; problem ; solution ; science ; scientific method ; science report, research paper ; scientific hypothesis ; scientific theory ; scientific law ; religion ; technology ; security ; intelligent ; intelligence ; artificial intelligence ; automated intelligence ; smart ; intellect ; consciousness ; conscious ; prosthetic consciousness, extended consciousness ; discipline ; freedom ; slavery
Observations of food [words-food.htm]

Words and phrases about food, as I have observed it and reflected upon it.

List of words described:
ABC food ; food product, food art, food crafts ; food extract ; sugar ; candy ; chocolate candy ; milk chocolate candy ; dark chocolate candy ; white chocolate candy ; white fudge ; chocolate milk ; cocoa milk ; milk cocoa ; baking chocolate bar ; baking chocolate goo ; margerine, vegetable shortening ; almond milk ; almond water ; potato

#5 Docserver information

Documents about the documents on this docserver.

Docserver change log [change-log.htm]

The most recent changes to docs from this docserver "".

The modification at the top of the doc you are currently reading (t.i. "sharing.htm") is also a convenient link to the "Docserver change log" doc, because "Sharing" is the current default doc from the docserver.

Help for this docserver [help.htm]

Explains the visual differences for the HTM/CSS alternate view of the docs, but mostly for prior stylesheets, and some general tips.

For example, hyperlinks have been might be decorated with dotted, dashed, and solid underlining (help.htm#hyperlinks).

It also has help for creating a personal stylesheet [help.htm#personal] for affecting docs from this docserver, or any docserver on the international telegramming network (a.k.a. the Internet).
CSS is just a list of characterstics for each HTM mark, and is not computer instructions at all, t.i. no need for computer programming knowledge.

Prior main stylesheet for these docs [20210828-note.css.html]

Review the additional CSS style applied to many of these docs, and their explanations.

New stylesheet for these docs [20230929-note.css.htm]

Review the (formerly) next CSS stylesheet, curently in revision.

Guideline for marking my docs [guideline.htm]

Former guideline with my approaches for writing notes with HTM.

It is a basic approach in order to keep the docs easy to read, edit, and revise. No need for computer programming.

[ Needs to be updated... ]

# Elsewhere

Information that was useful to me, located at other docservers on the Internet.
