begin-split [2024Mar19]
[ Modified: 2024 Apr 16 ]

Estimated termination date for this document server:
2026 Autumn


#0 Content list

begin. Overview
The very beginning of this document with a short list of links (a sort of alternate content list).
-1. Preamble
Rambling notes from the person (about itself) who wrote this document.
0. Content list
This listing.
1. Change log

A list of the most recent changes to this document. Also, a list of proposed changes and their progress.

2. Preface
Considerations to keep in mind about content, voicing, and intent of this document when reading it.
3. Introduction
A brief and incomplete note about my curiosities explored in the computer medium, as relevant to the info within this document.
4. The realm of the Internet and its misnomers
secret ; privacy ; permission ; security ; cracking ; hacking ; sneaker ; window ; WWW ; website ; piracy ; mouse
5. Notemaking with the computer medium
motivation for markup ; hyperlinking sources ; organizing and sharing ; essential marks
6. Dual-system approach for discrete computer experiences
7. Lisp, pseudo-common
lists are pairs ; list introspection ; NIL ; approaches with Common Lisp
8. StumpWM + PC == personalizable extensibility and beyond...
example setup ; interactive curiosity ; an outlet for ingenuity ; Lisp intro ; flow of the moment ; color and border ; customize the buttonboard ; keymaps ; steadfast and resilient ; essential split-view commands ; naming memory ; external storage ; X Window System ; CLX ; pointer control ; modifications
9. Resources
ed with emacs ;
10. Generational and archæological loss of the computer medium
personalizable computer ; recipes and pseudocode ; intent and documentation ; operatable ; design ; punchcard or GUI
11. Responsibilities of a company
12. Observations and terminology
general ; culture ; food
13. Personal interest
nutrition ; furoshiki ; reality
14. Personal pursuit
personalized computing ; accessible computing ; nonconventional electronics
15. Personally helped
Jean Charlot Foundation ; Catholic Women's Guild Hawaiʻi
16. Personal transformation
approaches ; perspectives
17.  . 
Last words...
A. Appendix: Document style
Additional CSS styles for this document:
reveal/hide change log ; "min-line-length" after diagrams .

The end of "Content list".

#1 Change log

1.1-2024 Change log for 2024
1.1-omega Most recent change
Final item in the most recent list of changes (2024).
1.2 Proposals and progress
Potential future changes, and their progress.

A listing of the most recent changes to this document. Previous calendar years are hidden in the alternate HTM view by means of an iframe with zero dimension and with the attribute hidden. View the document in its original format to read changes for previous years, f.e. with Notepad or TextEdit, or with Ed ( Ed) or Emacs ( GNU Emacs).

Most of current calendar year is hidden in the alternate HTM view with CSS ("Reveal/hide the change log"). Reveal the complete listing by selecting the checkbox labeled "View prior changes, too". Otherwise, only the final item, t.i. the most recent change, is shown.

Consider saving this document each time, and then using a computer program to compare the differences for a complete listing of differences. For example, the common UNIX program known as diff ( GNU Diffutils).

Or, perhaps the features for viewing differences within Emacs, which is a LISP interpreter with a built-in automatable text editor and view management of documents ( GNU Emacs).

[  Note that it is possible to use Ed for editing documents within Emacs, f.e. by means of Shell mode ( GNU Emacs: 39.3 Shell Mode) or with Eshell ( Gnu Emacs: Eshell). See also "Ed with Emacs". ]

The end of introduction for section 1, "Change log".

#1.1 Change log for 2024

The end of section 1.1-2024, "Change log for 2024".

#1.2 Proposals and progress

Capitalize first letter of all headings

This document has the first letter capitalized for some headings, but "help.htm" and "guideline.htm" and notes stylesheet all have lowercase (or used to have it that way). Consider going with lowercase (again) for this document. Prefer capital letters because font size increase is available only with the HTM view.

In progress: gradually capitalizing.

Add pebbles for sections and subsections

Have been gradually coordinating the headings and subheadings (f.e. H1, H2, and so forth) with the internal navigation ffrom the end of sections and their subsections. See the upcoming stylesheet ("A pebble for the supersection") for details [ Though the details will likely continue to change until the stylesheet is finalized. ].

There is some difference in appearance and wording of the headings and pebbles (links for returning to prior sections) in this document and the new stylesheet, and more documentation needs writing, as the ideas are still settling.

The end of section 1.2, "Proposals and progress".

#4 The realm of the Internet and its misnomers

4.1 Core concepts of everyday life for the computer medium
secret ; privacy ; permission ; security ; cracking ; hacking ; sneaker
4.2 Analogies taken too far in the computer medium
window ; WWW ; website ; piracy ; mouse

The Internet is an international telegramming network, pretty much parallel with the telephone network. It is intended for electronic devices for encoding and decoding the telegrams, thereby no need for people to learn how to manually telegram messages to each other.

A website is a document server, essentially a long-distance copier, hence telecopier or telecloner. The document server is a computer with software automatically responding to requests for copying memory. The copy is telegrammed to the computer that requested it, then the transmission is ceased.

Like a telephone call to a playback of a recording, f.e. press 1 for this and 2 for that, the computers of "websites" are never visited. Even the copy that is received is no visitor, though it might include a computer program (f.e. JavaScript in an HTML doc) akin to the email viruses of lore.

Best to save a document rather than depend on requesting it ever again. Best to audit any computer programs from anywhere regardless of "trust" before breathing electricity into them.

Consider keeping only what matters, or at least paring the non-repurposable.

The end of summary and motivation for section 4, "The realm of the Internet and its misnomers".

#4.1 Core concepts of everyday life for the computer medium

These concepts are actually the same as in everyday life. However, it is a good idea to review them, because they often get misused in articles and writings about the computer medium. Too much laziness in describing what actually happened is probably why these terms get misused.

For example, the concern of criminal activity with the computer medium is actually to do with "lack of permission" (unauthorized access) rather than the everyday experience of figuring out how something works ("cracking open a mystery"). Perhaps some day both computer technologists and computer journalists will focus on the activities and speak observationally, rather than playing a role in an event or crafting a story about an event.


A responsibility of knowing something, and the guidelines for whether and how to share that responsibility and that knowledge.


The practice of maintaining personal secrets.


Shared or delegated responsibility, often with taking care of something.


An authority is a person who is knowledgable about a particular topic. Often takes on responsibilities related to that knowledge. Might delegate permisssion to others in helping with those responsibilities.


The practice of permitting and denying access, usually to something other than secrets.

See also Terminology about culture: security.

crack, cracking

Figure out what something means or how something works. Learning by means of personally experiencing discovery, rather than only by means of being told about something.

A detective or sleuth might crack a mystery, but a cracker is something eaten with soup.

hack, hacking

Put something together as a temporary resolution, t.i. making due with what is available. Making a prototype is hacking; the prototype itself is a hack. The applying of knowledge; a demonstration of intelligence. Birds hack together various materials when making their nests.

Someone who coughs a lot, especially coughs up phlegm, might be said to be hacking. A cat might be said to hack (cough) up furr balls. A fireman might hack through a door with an axe. There really is no sensible use for the word "hacker".

See also Terminology about culture: intelligence.

sneak, sneaking; sneaker

Carefully proceed. Minimize personal influence upon the environment. Inconspicuously sleuthing.

A sleuth or detective sneaking around might be referred to as a sneaker, with or without permission from the authority of the premises or facilities.

As nouns, "sneak" is the activity, and a "sneaker" is the participant sneaking during the sneak. A sneaker or group of sneakers might offer services for discovering unexpected approaches for infiltrating the premsises, or facilities, or computer systems, and then sharing those discoveries with the authorities.

The end of section 4.1, "Core concepts of everyday life for the computer medium".

#4.2 Analogies taken too far in the computer medium

An analogy (a momentary digression in a discussion) provides an example situation for the sake of introducing a concept. Once the concept is introduced, the example provided should be dropped and forgotten. The concept is then applied to the prior topic.

There are many analogies in discussions about the computer medium that were never dropped. Those analogies obscure and unnecessarily substitute familiar everyday objects and approaches with needless originality and fantasies.

The typical words of the everyday person suffices without the false IT (Information Technology) jargon.


A view.

The term "window" leads to conversational deadends. Compare the question "What are you viewing?" with "What are you windowing?". Or consider: "I will show you another [ view | window ] of the document."

Worldwide Web (WWW)

The collective computer programs of an international telegramming network (f.e. the Internet) of computers, such as document servers and auto-responders. Some computer programs are known as "websites" when their addresses begin with "http" or "https". Other computer programs are known as document servers or as file servers when their address begins with "ftp", "scp", "gopher", and a variety of others. Addresses beginning with "smtp" or "pop" usually lead to computer programs for email (electronic mail).

No matter what, all data transferred is simply being telegrammed from computer to computer, and any of it can be thought of as documents, whether files or email or "webpage". Most of the time it is plain text, but sometimes it might be computer instructions describing how to draw a picture (f.e. a photograph) or a motion picture (f.e. a movie).

The analogy of "web" comes from the comparison of a net with a cobweb, because of the cables connecting the computers, or of the lines drawn in a diagram representing a computer network. The term "worldwide" seem means international, distinguishing the network from a local network, such as the local area networks (LAN) in a house or at a company.

On the otherhand, a web is usually associated with a spider or other death-dealing predator. That concept of danger applies to the computer programs (potential automated predators) received from other computers on the same network, such as from the international telegramming network for computers known as "the Internet".

As such, consider keeping in mind at least two thoughts when thinking of the Worldwide Web: (1) the WWW is a sticky net with computerized predators; and (2) never delegate privacy to strangers, which is any company that represents itself on the WWW (Core concepts: privacy).


An automated computer program that responds to requests, f.e. a document server.


Piracy is one of the worst analogies for the computer medium, as piracy is akin to the modern day terrorism of hijacking an automobile or airplane. That involves threatening people with murder, and often following through with the threat or at least kidnapping.

The actual concern in the computer medium has to do with proliferation of information, or of knowledge, or of ideas. Criminalizing communication seems undesirable, especially in the United States of America, but associating the means of information reduplication (what is essentially the heartbeat of cultural knowledge, f.e. teaching) with piracy is ludicrous.

How the analogy of "piracy" ever supplanted that concern, especially in the courts of law of our beloved United States of America, is perhaps the most embarassing misunderstanding of computer technology by lawyers and Justices. If the Judiciary people involved felt less embarassed (or were they blackmailed? or were their jobs threatened?), then perhaps those people (or their successors) would have felt brave enough by now to face up to that prior misunderstanding and correct the course of our culture.

The core principles of the computer medium is "work on a copy", as that is how a computer functions internally and how work can be restored when recovering from computer failure. That has always been the approach of using computers, ever since the beginning (or at least as recent as the late 1800s).

Copying has nothing to with hijacking or murdering, let alone copying with a computer as the tool. The computer medium as been misappropriated for practicing the business of limiting permission of copying, even though copying with a computer is as natural as arithmetic with a calculator, as much as sharing personal experiences by means of exact re-enactment is natural and even more so culturally.

Proliferation of information, or of knowledge, or of ideas includes what someone else expressed nonprivately, and should never have been associated with, let alone equated with, the hijacking and murder from "piracy".


Telling someone to grab a mouse to control a computer has never made any sense.

It is instead a remote control for maneuvering a pointer, often an arrow shape, that is drawn on a computer monitor. The remote control usually has a motion sensor, and how it is moved is coordinated with the position of the arrow on the computer monitor. In short, it is a motion remote.

Sometimes the motion remote control is referred to as a "moshie" (spoken), which has lead to the computer keyboard to be referred to as a "mashie" (as in "button mashing"). These are colloquial terms from experiencing the devices, rather than journalistic terms repeating marketing jargon.

The end of section 4.2, "Analogies taken too far in the computer medium".


#6 Dual-system approach for discrete computer experiences

#8 StumpWM: an interactive extensible computer interface

#9 Resources

#9.3 Ed with Emacs, an approach

For many decades, emacs (, a.k.a. Editing MACroS, has provided split-view management of documents (viewing and editing).

Emacs also excels with memory management of any sequence of typing or list of commands by storage in "registers", or complete repetition by a single press of any button desired (a.k.a. keyboard macros). The Emacs command "append-to-buffer" provides a means for selectively transferring content from any view of Emacs (whether a document or otherwise) to any other view, bypassing its own copy/paste or "registers".

On the other hand, the text editor "ed" ( reveals any fragments of any number of documents when requested, in any order, gradually filling the screen only as needed. Each line is called forth by its number, so the line number is an intuitive command that shows that line of text. With "ed", there is no need for moving a text cursor, no need for selecting text, and no need for scrolling.

Any comma-separated range of lines is a command for calling forth that range of lines, f.e. 31,35p will "print" lines 31 to 35 on the screen. Line numbers are optionally revealed when requesting lines (f.e. 31,35n), and similarly so in search results.

Specify a generic line number with plus or minus, f.e. -4 for the fourth line before the current line, or for a range of lines, f.e. -5,+5p to "print" the range of lines of text before and after the current line. The last line requested automatically becomes the current line.

Thereby with "ed", views of text emerge naturally from requested fragments of familiar documents: command, lines of text, command, lines of text, etc. That is, the typed command remains visible and serves as an introduction for the lines listed by it (when any).

A document can be viewed one screenful at a time (with z), or by an arbitrary number of lines (f.e. z30 for the next 30 lines), from anywhere within a document (f.e. 42z30n for the 30 lines starting from line 42, and numbered).

Search results are listable, or traversable one at time by line number in any order desired, and repeatable without retyping the search pattern. In addition to mere search and replace, a set of commands can be applied to all search results or interactively queried for each one. For example, search for a pattern, but also specifiy a different pattern for replacing in the results, all as one command, and either immediately or selectively.

As aforementioned, the editing commands typed in "ed" remain visible, thereby keeping a history of how a document was edited (optionally with the lines of text before and after they were modified) would be possible... if only there was a means for saving those proceedings.

By using "ed" for its naturally emerging document views within the "shell-mode" of Emacs, the "ed" program gains a separate dedicated buffer from Emacs recording that history of all editing with "ed", along with robust command editing (from the text editing commands of Emacs) when typing its own commands.

Of course, the aforementioned keyboard macros from Emacs means commands within "ed" are automatically added to any recorded sequence of tasks, and naturally so. No special effort needed, nothing new to learn, automatically incorporated.

Evoking "ed" within shell-mode with sudo (super-user do) means the ability to edit restricted system documents without having to do "sudo emacs", thereby the super-user role remains optional within Emacs.

With the "!" command provided by "ed", evocation of external commands are possible from within "ed", and their results optionally read (r) into that document wherever desired. Evoking "ed" as super-user (t.i. "sudo ed") also means there is no longer any need to type sudo for each and every command that requires super-user privileges, because the "!" command of "ed" will invoke external commands with the same privileges by which "ed" itself was invoked.

The split-view management of Emacs provides the opportunity for multiple full-screen layouts of several such instances of "ed" and "sudo ed" in shell-mode, intermixed with any other activities within Emacs, f.e. email, web browsing, directory listings, etc. As each instance has its own dedicated buffer, the editing history of commands used in "ed" or "sudo ed" can be saved for review or potential selective restoration of edited documents (for when lines were listed before and after editing them).

And of course, repetition of super-user tasks, editing or otherwise, becomes possible (and naturally so) by means of the aforementioned keyboard macros of Emacs.

Using "sudo ed" within shell-mode of Emacs enables responsible, recordable (t.i. record keeping), and administrative editing of documents or evocation of commands with access to copious amounts of copy/paste access (a.k.a. "registers"), and ridiculously easy on-the-fly record/play of any sequence of typing and commands... readily assigned to any button desired, as many as needed.

#10 Generational and archæological loss of the computer medium

Writing and reading is the basis of the computer medium. Freedom of expression, t.i. the result of a person taking on the responsibility of speaking for itself, is what has been curiously missing with the commodity computers sold to the everyday person. Choice is often the only opportunity given to the purchaser of a computer, choosing amongst decisions already made by the software developers.

The skill of writing and reading has been impressed upon as many people as possible, and has become an expected means of learning and communicating. However, the computer medium is sold as a means of looking and pointing at options thought of by somebody else, failing at integrating with the flow of thoughts and actions of the everyday person implementing the computer medium. Paying money for a computer and then having applications do what somebody else wanted to do can only be a novelty, merely entertaining a person whose desires were never asked.

A computer application, a type of software, is an example of grouping basic commands for a specific task. Obviously, that is very useful for the person who groups them, and less so for a person when they are grouped by someone else.

Sometimes a single command is a group of other commands rather than emerging from new computer programming. A list of commands can be saved for later recall as a single command, f.e. by repeating the sequence of commands the person has just done.

Arbitrary actions with a pointer are prone to misinterpretation when part of automating repetitious activities. A shared command whose composition can never be explored, whose list of subcommands is forbidden from discovery, is an insincere gift that will fail to support the everyday person to correct it, simplify it, or adapt it for personal comfort.

Ultimately, personal expression is supported by writing and reading, impeded by insincere sharing, and essentially neutralized by having only choices. Sharing an approach inspires and supports the emergence of new approaches, with dissimilarity possible though unrequired.

The computer medium is inferior (f.e. when compared with pen and paper) for promoting self-education and cultural growth when it is distributed as an unexplorable trade secret providing a kiosk of choices rather than unrestrictedly adaptable by the everyday person for each moment of life.

# the everyday person should never have a PC

A personal computer (PC) is a computer for one person in an office at work rather than a shared computer like a data terminal. A company provides the PC for use by the employee in the office, and the "home PC" for working from home. The everyday person was never supposed to have a home work computer.

Curiously, many operating systems provide no place for typing a command from personal recall or personal notes. Buttonboards usually have no dedicated "prompt" or "command" button for immediately specifying commands.

Instead, an abbreviation or pseudonym for a command is typed, though without any place to type it. That typically involves holding one or more buttons, a randomly logical concoction at the bottom of the buttonboard.

With no dedicated buttons on the buttonboard for all commands and nothing displayed on the screen when typing the abbreviations, there is only hope of what command will be invoked.

Conventionally, pre-categorized menus gradually reveal sublistings of commands. The aforementioned invisible typing of their abbreviations have been the only means for bypassing the interminable spelunking of those labyrinthine menus.

Silly, but that is how a home personal computer has been since forever it seems. But then again, it is work.

A personal computer can be repurposed into a personalizable computer ( need to change the world) for the everyday person. The personalizable computer can then be an impromptu interface for other computers by means of VNC or remote desktop programs.

Everyone is an everyday person, even a computer programmer. A computer personalizable with a few computer instructions rather than book-length computer programming is less busywork for everyone, and immediate ease for any pursuit.

# Recipes and pseudocode

An approach is a recipe or pseudocode, and its application is the result.

A recipe declares an intent by means of a list of ingredients and events that have been effective for producing a desired result. An application is the result of the recipe, a final presentation either palatable or inedible.

A computer application is typically an approach applied by someone else for the results desired by that other person. With a computer, an application of an approach is invariable, but pseudocode is by definition a recipe and therefore an adaptable approach. The pseudocode is the gist and intentions, the springboard for a variety of forms, thereby distinct from any specific attempt.

Life is variable. The predefined results of applications are inapplicable to the ever changing flow of events. On the other hand, an approach is guidance for transitioning through a moment, retaining opportunity for adaptation with each jump.

# intention is distinct from documentation

Too often computer programs have been said to be lacking documentation, but it is also without expression of intent. Without intent and motivation, there is no pursuit, there is no follow through. Without well thought out desires recorded, a set of computer program instructions are without a foundation.

Code is, by definition, ambiguous. Documentation of the code that emerges is the recording of decisions for using certain computer instructions, experiences with alternatives, or suggestions of potential alternatives.

A computer programming "language" is merely a list of symbols or codewords. A computer is simply a machine, a piece of hardware, there is no possible communication with it. Instead, such a lexicon is merely a writing system for abbreviating a set of instructions. Computer programming without documentation is as informative as a quote taken out of context.

Ingredients are fabricated within the computer memory, or perhaps parts of the computer hardware are activated with it. Even then, the phrases and terms need to be interpreted as a specified sequence of toggle switches within the circuitry of that machine, typically a barebones coding with only two letters in its alphabet and no phonemes because it is never spoken.

In other words, the computer is just a tool chosen for applying an appoach. Punctuation symbols and code words of computer programming record mere gesticulations of the person applying the approach. Therefore, the approach or purpose is inherently underivable from the computer coding, as it is no more than the pattern on a wall of toggled switches.

An approach must be recorded before or as it is applied if it is ever to be known by anyone else, as many archeologists have lamented. Minimizing it by shedding its context of intent and motivation deprives everyone of its meaning, even the later self of the person applying it.

To reiterate, there is no communication possible with a "computer language", for it is only a writing system intended for toggling switches for a result rather than sharing an understanding with another person. A computer program is merely one adaptation of an approach, one choreographed dance for a feeling, forever unrevealing of its own inception.

# an operatable system

A computer is a medium for writing and reading, with the writing reduced to mere presses of labeled buttons for each letter of an alphabet. There is no other skill needed for operating a computer, though there are sometimes other means besides a buttonboard.

A computer is operatable, and automatable, when it is capable of restoring what has been recorded within its medium. That is, a computer recording the actions done with it in the moment and then repeating those actions upon request is being operated.

A system of programs operating on their own, especially when unmodifiable, is an "operating system". Somebody else's program is somebody else's operation of a computer, recorded from some other moment for that other person.

As a computer program is a proxy for the person who created it, vetting a computer program is the same as trusting the person who wrote it, perhaps a complete stranger. A computer virus is merely a computer program. A system readily operating on its own, t.i. an operating system, is operating for the interests and intentions of the people who wrote the programs.

In contrast, an "operatable system" does nothing until it is operated, so known programs can be the only programs ever activated or automated, per the decisions made by the person operating the computer.

There is no denying the various computer mediums are archeologically unsound. That makes it all the more important for using the computer medium as freely as possible during this transition beyond the computer medium itself for more sustainable, sharable, and perusable recording mediums. The medium of pen and paper (as an example of the latter) preceded the computer medium, and is destined to continue beyond the computer medium during the search for other millenially persisting recording mediums like pen and paper, clay tablets, and stone structures.

The unadaptable predetermined decisions of the operating-system/application paradigm is worthless for the everyday person, who is the core of any people, the core of any culture. This is evident by companies creating applications for their own use, with the employee (an everyday person) making do with what is available while waiting for those applications.

An operating system is non-functioning without its applications, and developing an application is a tangent away from the flow of the moment. Without documentation, there is no hope of adapting someone else's program for the current moment. There is only choice of the decisions made by someone else, without opportunity for freedom of expression by the person choosing.

A core characteristic of the computer medium is that of immediate and exact duplication of any of its recordings, thereby the freedom for trial and dismissal without loss or corruption of the original version. That is the opportunity of self improvement with the freedom of saving and reviewing inspirations and influences, and sharing those with the community for discussion and accelerating cultural development.

# design is a collection of foreign decisions

Voting is choosing amongst a set of pre-made decisions. A decision is inherently presumed acceptable, regardless of whether it is desirable. Choosing from someone else's menu is choosing from someone else's comfort, perhaps a selection of someone else's abilities. A vote or a choice is at most the wiggling of a toe tag, nothing like personal expression as there is no opportunity for a personal decision.

Design is a set of decisions. Somebody else's design is somebody else's decisions. Ultimately, a design is a past, foreign to the present, an opportunity for reflection and release. The adaptation of a set of decisions is the conversion of it into a new approach, perhaps a setup for a eventual spin-off or even a prequel.

# computer displays: punchcard or GUI

Punchcard is a recording medium readable by computers and people, a type of memory card, t.i. a memcard. A punchcard can be a piece of cardboard with holes made from a holepunch tool, by either a person or a machine. The holes and the lack thereof are arranged along rows and columns of a grid, and can be detected by either machinary or a person feeling a card, or by a person visually perceiving the arrangement of the holes in a card.

A "graphical user interface" (GUI) is an oblique phrase for any object with drawings on it, essentially for only visual interpretation rather than physical or aural. For example, a sheet of paper, or a sheet of glass, or a grid of lights. Text and other shapes are drawn with lines or with dots, perhaps by coloring each square of a grid.

Obviously, shape is visibly noticeable only when there are at least two distinctive colors; corollarily, there are no distinctions with only one color. Text and other shapes can be drawn with only two colors available, commonly referred to as a foreground color for the most important areas and a background color for less important areas. Additional colors allow for more distinctions, thereby more variety of lines and dots for text and other shapes. Notably, an extraneous use of distinction is distracting or muddling.

A drawing, t.i. a graphical recording, using more than two colors on a grid bound by having only a single color per square (t.i. a dot) can record a greater variety than a punchcard using only one hole shape. Similarly, more than one physically distinguishable hole shape would increase the variety for a punchcard.

Notably, the raised dots of braille pressed into paper are the inverse of a hole, and provides such a variety potentially detectable by machines, too. Furthermore, the eight-dot version of braille is equivalent to the eight-bits of a byte, thereby suggesting bytes might be readily perceived visually and physically. The million symbols or characters of Unicode is one step away from that, each represented by one or more bytes, f.e. with the UTF-8 or UTF-32 formats.

A touchscreen is a transparent overlay for a graphical display, such as on top of a sheet of paper or on top of a grid of lights. The drawings of text and shapes, or the lack thereof, beneath the screen are coordinated with the same areas of the transparent screen overlaying them. The transparent screen detects physical touch, and those touches are related with the areas on the graphical display. While that physical action with the overlay is imitative of recording information on a punchcard, an unshapable graphical display remains unreadable physically.

#11 Responsibilities of a company

# Purposeful company: self-termination clause

A company respectful of the local inhabitants, of the local ecology, and of the participants of the company itself purposefully plans for eventual dispersal of the company itself.

# Careless company: wasteful manufacturing

[ This is eventually for a section of notes about the wastefulness of products from any company, and the characteristics of a careless company of people. ]

Some factors:

The end of section 11, "Responsibilities of a company".

#12 Observations and terminology

12.1 General terminology
excuse ; reason ; procrastinate ; reprioritize ; someday ; amazing ; fustration ; exasperation ; Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) ; difficult ; easy ; fun ; incredible ; mystical, weird ; stupid ; ignorant ; WTF ; medium ; yin-yang
12.2 Terminology about culture
house ; apartment building ; automobile ; coffin ; homeless, boxless, toiletless ; stray (human, person) ; ownership ; selfish ; selfishness ; ego ; news ; journalism ; live action roleplay (LARP) ; personality LARP (PLARP) ; plarpification of culture ; problem ; solution ; science ; scientific method ; science report, research paper ; scientific hypothesis ; scientific theory ; scientific law ; religion ; technology ; security ; intelligent ; intelligence ; artificial intelligence ; automated intelligence ; smart ; intellect ; consciousness ; conscious ; prosthetic consciousness, extended consciousness ; discipline ; freedom ; slavery
12.3 Observations of food
ABC food ; food product, food art, food crafts ; food extract ; sugar ; candy ; chocolate candy ; milk chocolate candy ; dark chocolate candy ; white chocolate candy ; white fudge ; chocolate milk ; cocoa milk ; milk cocoa ; baking chocolate bar ; baking chocolate goo ; margerine, vegetable shortening ; almond milk ; almond water ; potato

#13 Personal interest

This is a mixture of interests and non-interests, with some clarifications.

The end of section 13, "Personal interest".

#14 Personal pursuit

14.1 Personal computing tools
14.3 Nonconventional electronics

[ The following content was moved from the prior section "-1.3 Pursuit and motivation". The paragraphs will someday be assessed for sectioning and revisement. ]

Heading into my next half-century, I have come to realize somewhen along the way I have lost the mindset for being a generic human resource, f.e. for "employment" or busy-ness. Reflecting on that, I have never really fit well into the paradigm of that type of employment anyway, but somehow made it this many revolutions on a ball of rock flowing around that ball of fire in the sky [ ...according to some stories... ].

As for employment in general, I think I usually just did "gigs" (if I understand that term correctly) for Em.Prof. John Charlot (d.2022) of the Jean Charlot Foundation (JCF) for over a dozen years (15. Personally helped). That different type of "work" experience for so many years has felt very fitting with my computer interests and pursuits.

Briefly, I am without much of any means to do anything other than survive, so that is my job for now. That is, I have no income, no storage, no gadgets, essentially nothing. So, I realize there is no point at this moment in anyone thinking of me as potentially helpful (other than conversation and this document server ""), nor at this moment in my trying to be a human resource for employment [ Nonetheless, around Autumn 2023 I did sincerely put in an application for employment (my first in over 15 years; I was very choked up about it, trying to find my confidence) at the Little Caesars on Beretania, because I had yet to realize how insensible it was for me (being without the means to help others) to offer anyone help as of then (or even now). [ Nice people there at that LC, though I had very rarely stopped by before or after applying, as I pretty much never go to any restaurants because I seemingly can never order from a menu. Working at a Little Caesars was something I enjoyed for several months three decades ago while attending a university in New Mexico. I ended up loving the branding of Little Caesars (pizza! pizza!), but I must admit I do have a loyalty tendency with those who I have helped out for an extended period of time, f.e. Em.Prof John Charlot (d.2022), Dr. Janine Richardson (d.2015), and Catherine Hughes (d.2019) [ All three deceased now. ] ] ].

My helping someone else (t.i. a "job") would be inappropriate to my own well-being until I cease experiencing so much self-deterioration, as well as acquire the means and resources to help others. On the other hand, conversation about computers or other personal interests my be helpful to others. There is also this document "begin.htm"with various topics, and this document server "" it is from. Perhaps the information will be helpful so someone. At the very least, I hope it will be helpful to me whenever I obtain permission from the community to participate again, obviously along the lines of my personal interests with computers (15. Personally helped).

Similarly, asking someone else for help would be offering them a job to do for me, and I have no means of incentive for anyone to do so.

Sometimes casually read computer documentation (f.e. GUIX, Guile, uLisp, the Kernel Programming Language (kind of LISPy), USB protocol) and historical papers (f.e. Recursive functions of symbolic expressions and their computation by machine) and sometimes source code, but only at publicly accessible internet devices, f.e. a computer at a public library. No device or Internet access of my own, as it has proven impracticable with my lack of a permitted location (as aforementioned).

Trying to write up flexible plans towards an introductory Lisp-based management system (f.e. LISPy kernel access). Focusing on opportunity rather than computer science ideals, therefore a mindset bridge between the experience of everyday life and the experience of mainstream computer programming. In other words, endeavoring towards fitting the computer medium into everyday common sense.

Initially promote a text editor (something like Emacs, t.i. adapatable by scripting), then a view management approach (f.e. split-view management), and eventually towards an operating-system substitute (operatable as a tool), while being approachable by the everyday person with only reading/writing skills. Plenty explanation prior to writing the code, because "code" by definition is ambiguous, thereby must be made approachable by the curious everyday person eventually using it.

A lot of prior personal exploration has already been recorded within this document, and I hope it will still be accessible for refamiliarizing myself when perchance I ever have the means to continue my pursuits and curiosity. I am unlikely to add much more to this document while without the means to maintain and use a personalized computer of my own (currently a stray), as it is that first-hand exploration with computers I have been recording. Regardless of my impedences, perhaps the ideas and observations might inspire others to begin personalizing computers for themselves, and share what they learn. See Recipes, programs, and formulas.

The end of the introduction for section 14, "Personal pursuit".

#14.1 Personal computing tools

Personalization with computer hardware or computer software, especially in ways that can be easily spoken about by everyday people, ideas readily shared and applied rather than the mystical computerized novelties.

[ Anne Sullivan ]

I am beginning to suspect all elaborate and special systems of education. They seem to me to be built up on the supposition that every child is a kind of idiot who must be taught to think. Whereas, if the child is left to himself, he will think more and better, if less showily. Let him go and come freely, let him touch real things and combine his impressions for himself, instead of sitting indoors at a little round table, while a sweet-voiced teacher suggests that he build a stone wall with his wooden blocks, or make a rainbow out of strips of coloured paper, or plant straw trees in bead flower-pots. Such teaching fills the mind with artificial associations that must be got rid of, before the child can develop independent ideas out of actual experiences.

—"May 8, 1887". "Anne Sullivan's letters and reports (1887–94)", Anne Sullivan. The story of my life, Helen Keller. Unabridged, with supplementary accounts by Anne Sullivan and John Albert Macy. Edited by Roger Shattuck, with Dorothy Herrmann. 2003. Page 153.

With that in mind, consider the possibility that manufactured products are as worthwhile as manufactured education.

As of mid-Feb 2024, I have developed a desire for a gray Nintendo Switch Lite, about $200 for the new-in-box experience; because it is the experience that matters, not merely having possessions. Of course, need a case to protect it from the rough and tumble of my furoshiki bag, likely the official one from Nintendo for about $40. I plan to play only the classic games, which are available for "free" from Nintendo, by means of a yearly subscription (about $20/year). Yes, wonderful nostalgia, and at a flat fee.

That would be a low cost way to keep up my spirits, as the equipment is cheap and a one time cost, and I have no interest in the new games. It would also keep my mind active, as I lack the resources for my other pursuits in computers. I would probably also make notes about my gameplay as I always do in order to figure out the games, but in different documents than this one.

I am also hoping to get approval for developing for the Nintendo Switch; supposedly even individuals can gain access to the software development resources. [ Requested 2024Feb21. Denied 2024Mar18. ] Though, I would need to obtain a computer system after that in order to follow up on my ideas for developing for the hardware, f.e. installing a LISP interpreter, typing with both analog sticks (alternately for each character), and so on. [ Denied. Email received 2024Mar18. ] I am thinking I have gone far enough with the Raspberry Pi for now, as crafting hardware and coordinating the needed software any further for the Raspberry Pi is beyond my current means while outdoors.

What can I say, a video game system is a computer to me; especially if I can get the resources for compiling my own programs.

So, If I save up for anything it will be for the gray Nintendo Switch Lite (and supplemental resources). However, at the rate I receive money (as I never ask for it), I likely will be spending money on only fresh clothing or bandages with nothing much left over. So, yes, I realize that might never happen, but it is of no matter. It is just an idea for furthering my exploration with customizing computer hardware, especially portable computers.

The end of section 14.1, "Personal computing tools".

#14.3 Nonconventional electronics

The end of section 14, "Nonconventional electronics".

#16 Personal transformation

16.2 Perspectives

Some tidbits of techniques or remarks that have been effective, or inspiring.

#16.2 Perspectives

[ Helen Keller ]

Now I am as much up in arms against needless poverty and degrading influences as anyone else; but at the same time, I believe human experience teaches that if we cannot succeed in our present position, we could not succeed in any other.

Unless, like the lily, we can rise strong and pure above sordid surroundings, we would be moral weaklings in any situation. Unless we can help the world where we are, we could not help it if we were somewhere else. The most important issue is not the sort of environment we have, but the kind of thoughts we think every day, the kind of ideals we are following—in a word, the kind of men and women we really are.

How I would help the world, Helen Keller (1880–1968), 2011, p. 37–39.

[Seems along the lines of the personal development Keller promoted over the increasing entertainment activities of those days (f.e. sports) and perhaps the recent great wars. Need to locate the original context; it was quoted in the introduction by Ray Silverman without a specific source.]

That is most fitting for the individual assessing oneself. It is rather unfitting for a fish out of water, or a train off its tracks. How people are relating with each other and helping each other was likely the concern of Keller, rather than everyone living the same way or with the same amenities.

Generally, a person is heading in a personalized direction of self development, and that path might seem less fair weathered than would be comfortable while still yielding the results personally desired. Nonetheless, a dead end might be personally unaddressable without help, such as after Keller experienced loss of sight and hearing at 19 months old. Several years later, Keller was welcomed back into the world by being helped with communicating within the means that Keller still had.

Communication shares understanding thereby establishes relations between people. Thus, each person becomes an extension of each other, and of personal development for each other. Hence, Keller was able to continue personal development without sight and hearing in that personal environment along the way of a personalized direction.

[ John Macy ]

It is fitting that Miss Keller's "Story of My Life" should appear at this time [1903]. What is remarkable in her career is already accomplished, and whatever she may do in the future will be but a relatively slight addition to the success which distinguishes her now. That success has just been assured, for it is her work at Radcliffe during the last two years which has shown that she can carry her education as far as if she were studying under normal conditions. Whatever doubts Miss Keller herself may have had are now at rest.

—"The writing of the book", John Macy. The story of my life, Helen Keller. Unabridged, with supplementary accounts by Anne Sullivan and John Albert Macy. Edited by Roger Shattuck, with Dorothy Herrmann. 2003. Page 9.

Further participation and communication inherently influenced personal development of others, as concisely listed by Roger Shattuck.

[ Roger Shattuck ]

Because the original edition of The Story of My Life appeared in 1903 [Keller at age 22], my commentaries here will not deal with Helen Keller's later writings, with her long employment raising money for the American Foundation for the Blind, or with her travels throughout the world on behalf of the blind and the deaf-blind.

—"Afterword: A mind of one's own", Roger Shattuck. The story of my life, Helen Keller. Unabridged, with supplementary accounts by Anne Sullivan and John Albert Macy. Edited by Roger Shattuck, with Dorothy Herrmann. 2003. Page 429.

The end of section 16.2, "Perspectives".

#A Appendix: Document style

A.1 Reveal/hide the change log
ID: changelog.
A.2 Minimum text width near diagrams
Class: post-lateral-diagram.

The CSS styles have been moved from the top of the document to here, for the sake of having the content of this document seen more immediately when viewed in a text editor. That means this document is now its own stylesheet, in addition to the other stylesheets it also references. [ See explanation at very beginning of this document (an HTM comment, so consider using a plain-text viewer), or stylesheet.css.htm. ]

To clarify, yes, editing the styles that are viewable in this section does change those styles for this document.

And yes, that is contrary to most (all?) other documents available on the Internet, if only because they are usually computer programs masquerading (supposedly non-nefariously) as documents. Nonetheless, this works within the official recommendations for HTML and for CSS.

Revealing the styles and explaining why they were added is also more transparent about how this document is affected by the CSS it declares for itself, rather than needlessly mysterious. However, this document is still just an ordinary document, hence still its authentic self.

None of my other documents I am sharing from this domain had a change log for them, so the relevant styles remain in this document for itself. There are perhaps no other documents with any (narrow) diagrams, so the pseudo min-line-length approach remains in this document for now.

I prefer changes listed in ascending order by date for the change log, just like a calendar ("Change log"). It is very simple to view the final item in the change log listing: just go to the section after it and then scroll back a a few lines. However, there are ways of using CSS to hide all the prior items, effectively eliminating the forethought for skipping to the section after the change log.

Diagrams are in many sections about StumpWM, such as lists of links, as menu/button listings, or as other interface replications ("StumpWM + PC"). The section about dual-system approaches has a narrow diagram, too, narrow enough to fit nicely with nearby paragraphs (Dual-system approach for discrete computer experiences).

The end of summary and motivation for section A, "Appendix: Document style".

#A.1 Reveal/hide the change log

Summary: The change log is visually truncated for revealing the most recent change for immediate review. All log items can be revealed by selecting a labeled checkbox.
ID: changelog.

Ideally, the change log is the very first section, before the content. Of course, the "Content list" for this document is first (uhm, except for the "Preamble" which comes before a "Content list"). This makes accessing the recorded changes more immediate for when the document is accessed by only a little bit of data at a time.

As a visual convenience of the HTM view of this document, the whole change log listing except for the last item is hidden when CSS support is available. A checkbox (with id="changelog") enables revealing the whole change log. Both the checkbox and its label have been hidden with the hidden attribute for when there is no CSS support.

/*Reveal the checkbox
 and its label*/

+ label
/*Hide all list items for change log,
except for the last item.*/

+ label
+ ul
> li

+ label
+ ul
> li:last-of-type
/*Reveal all change log list items
when the checkbox is checked.*/

+ label
+ ul
> li

The end of section A.1, "Reveal/hide the change log".

#A.2 Minimum text width near diagrams

Summary: Ensure a minimum width for text near floated diagrams or images.
Class: post-lateral-diagram.

Preferably, a lateral diagram is floated to the right (rather than left) because text flows left-to-right. Thereby, each line of text always starts from the left edge rather than traversing an obstacle course around the diagram.

The width of a floated region reduces the line length of later regions for the full height of the floated region. Ideally, a min-line-length property would assert the minimum line length within a region. That would lead to a region shifting beyond a floated region that reduced its line length beyond its minimum.

As the min-line-length CSS property is nonexistent, the current hack asserts the minimum line length for a region (f.e. a paragraph or a list) with em-space characters (Unicode 2003 or  ). They are added to the content property of the ::before pseudo-region of the classed region, and with zero line-height it is thereby innocuous as text and by its dimensions. No need to class later regions.

For example, a diagram might be ASCII art marked as a pre region, and followed by a paragraph classed as post-lateral-diagram. The paragraph is classed because it is after (t.i. post) the diagram. Consider styling a later paragraph with "clear:both" to assert full width for text after a long diagram.

[ Book width is about 40em; magazine/newspaper column width is about one-third (13em) to half (20em) book width. ]

Faux min-line-length for the region of text
 (f.e. a list or paragraph)
 after a narrow diagram (f.e. image or ASCII art)
{/*An em-space character 
 (Unicode hexadecimal id: 2003) 
 for every em of 
 minimal width (13em).*/
content:"             "

The end of section A.2, "Minimum text width near diagrams".
